In a message dated: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:03:47 +0100
Gerhard den Hollander said:

>* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 10:3
>6:51AM -0500)
>> Is there an easy way to change the amanda label of a tape that's been 
>> written to?  Short of that, is there an easy way to recover the 
>> contents of the tape in amdump form, then re-label the tape and use 
>> amflush to get the contents on the newly/properly labelled tape?
>yes there is,
>but why would you want to do that ?
>Amanda will still think that tape with the old (now overwritten ) label is
>the one that has the data on it.
>so if you relabel the tape, amanda doesn;t know anything about it anymore
>at all ..

I mis-labelled a tape.  This tape is never really used in a sequence, 
it's strictly an archival tape that gets put in off-site storage 
indefinitely.  I want to remove the tape entirely from amanda's 

If I could just change the label name, and somehow update amanda's database,
that would be fine.  I suspect, however, that it's easier to just 
restore the tape to disk and flush to "the next new tape" and 
amrmtape the mislabelled one.  But I'm not sure how to restore the 
tape to chunks that amflush will recognize.

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