Sorry for an off-topic question, but I figure this is
the forum where I would get the best reponses.

My employer's backup server has bitten the dust after some 5-6 years
of faithful use, so I'm currently shopping for a replacement system(s;
plural since we're getting an identical couple to minimize downtime).

We've been using DAT (DDS3) systems, which were not very satisfactory
in regards to cartrige and drive longevity both (the server room is
unfortunately quite dusty, for time being).

I'm looking at DLT for a successor (40/80 GB DLTVS from IBM, or a PV
110T 80/160 GB DLT VS160 from Dell.

Is DLT a sensible choice at this day and age? Any caveats with above
drives, if any? Sorry for the dumb questions, but I have only very
limited experience with tape backups.

Eugen Leitl

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