Hello, Brian,

I thought of your problems this morning ;-)

Just now (on 01/07/2005 at 17:17) you wrote:

BC> Oddly trying to dd if=/dev/rmt/tps... read no data

BC> samar 85# mt -f /dev/rmt/tps1d4nrns rewind
BC> samar 86# dd if=/dev/rmt/tps1d4nrns of=scratch
BC> Read error: Invalid argument

"Invalid argument" !

Gene wrote:

GH> Then you can use a
GH> #dd if=/path/to/device of=scratch count=1

Notice the option "count", dd has to be told how much to read/write

BC> However, I ran amdump last night. Still having problems with TAR DLE
BC> though oddly I was able to see that a DUMP DLE attempted to write.

BC> I was able to retrieve the file, using both amrestore and Eric's
BC> suggestion of manually issuing the dd command to get the file from
BC> tape. I was able to open the dump file (DLE for /usr1) and saw that
BC> the file "kmitra" was present. This I thought to be good news since
BC> the only top level file on the partition is kmitra/ (note directlry
BC> slash). Unfortuantely xfsdump reported the file as a regular file
BC> and not a directory and I was unable to proceed from there.

Do your AMANDA-binaries point to the proper xfs-tools? Is the proper
xfsdump used?

BC> I've tried to retrieve several of the TAR DLE but have been unsuccessful
BC> with either method.

BC> On the issue of streaming the drive vs horsepower. We have a holding
BC> disk (unlike a few early runs of this config) and we seem to dump to
BC> tape quickly enough once the dumper portion completes. I don't know that
BC> we are polishing the tape.

BC> Something very basic is wrong, looks like the 15th config is the
BC> unlucky one.

What about setting up a second config on this host, with just one
small DLE and a few tapes for testing? Maybe you can dig things up
with this.

And BTW: could you please try to strip the older mails from your
replies to save bandwidth, your last mail was about 26k in size, with
only a few new lines in it. Thank you.

Best regards,

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