Yes I'm aware p4+ is out...But I'm having a strange problem where my planner promotes full dumps, but then complains about other full dumps being delayed because the backup is too big? This makes no sense, shouldn't it incremental these other dumps in order to keep from delaying these other full dumps?

Any ideas, hints, suggestions? Need/want any additional info? It just seems pathological to do this ever. Now I did have to amrmtape a few tapes here today (three) so maybe that's had the effect, but the promotions were from ~20+ days ahead, which is the length of my dumpcycle. (20 days that is)

Undocumented Features quote of the moment...
"It's not the one bullet with your name on it that you
have to worry about; it's the twenty thousand-odd rounds
labeled `occupant.'"
  --Murphy's Laws of Combat

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