--On May 13, 2005 6:20:33 PM +0100 Chris Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It would be great if we could tell amanda that all subdirectories of a
specific root were to be treated as individual disk list entries. i.e.
balance all sub directories across backups.

This would help in cases like my home system where I have a few user
These are mostly static in size (grow slowly), on occasion I add another
home directory, for a guest or friend; updating the disk lists each time
is a pain and I often forget, so stuff gets left out of the backup.
These directories hold most of my data so splitting them up for amanda to
balance across backups is very useful.
As I want them all treated the same one entry referring to them all would
be great.

I can see the utility in this, however, I can see the difficulty too. It'd require some additional protocol for the planner to query the clients for the DLEs to generate. This could also produce the problem of ending up with a potential 'Denial of Service' attack on the AMANDA planner/server by filling up it's RAM with thousands and thousands of DLEs by simply creating a bunch of directories somewhere it's looking. Not that there aren't already potential problems like this in AMANDA.

It's certainly not impossible, and I don't believe it's impractical...but I'm not certain. However, I'd use it if it were available!

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