
Clients are all RH 7.3 or WhiteBox respin 2

Server is 2.4.4p4 running on whitebox respin 2

My amchecks un fine and without issue however i have come in on 2 morning snow to find that some of the clients failed. The actual fails have occurred on different clients, ie some that failed 2 nights ago worked last night without changes, and i can't figure out why. All clients were working fine at a different site as we move idc over the weekend so we have new network architecture.

Failure errors are

hostname /dev/rd/c0d0p3 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from hostname]
hostname /dev/rd/c0d0p1 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from hostname]
anotherhostname /dev/rd/c0d0p2 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from anotherhostname]
anotherhostname /dev/rd/c0d0p5 lev 0 FAILED [Estimate timeout from anotherhostname]

There is nothing in the firewall log to indicate a drop of packet. I have, as a test actually allowed any ports between these networks, but it has not helped.

Does anyone know how to debug these timeout type issues as i have been using amanda for about 3 years now and have not encountered this before.


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