I added about half a dozen or so DLEs (splitting an existing one) and since that time I get estimate timeout errors for some other DLEs on this host (daily run snippet attached) ... i suspect I'm hitting a UDP packet limit maybe, but...I'm really drawing a blank. I've turned up etimeout quite a bit, to no effect.

Maybe soemone can jog my memory, but are the estimates returned in a single UDP packet and therefore subject to the MTU? If so...how to get around it? OR maybe I'm missing something more obvious. Amanda 2.4.5 server and client, client being debian woody, server being debian sarge client DLEs all with 'calcsize' estimate setting except for the affected DLEs, but not all non-calcsize DLEs are affected... need anything else let me know.

 planner: ERROR Request to nfs0.msomt timed out.
nfs0.msomt /var/spool/cron lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /var/spool/cron in nfs0.msomt response] nfs0.msomt /usr/local lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /usr/local in nfs0.msomt response] nfs0.msomt /root lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /root in nfs0.msomt response]

"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors
into trouble of all kinds."
-- Samuel Butler

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