--On March 25, 2006 11:30:07 AM -0500 stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 11:25:01AM -0500, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 at 10:37am, stan wrote

> Subject line pretty much says it all.
> What filesystem type should I use for a largish dumpdisk, oh and how
> about for a vtape partiton too?

What OS/distro are you using on the server?

Sorry (hides face in shame). I'm using Ubuntu Breezy. I plan on building
my own 2.6.16 kerenel. So my choices are li,ited to what's avaialble
on Linux.

I would think BTW, that if i had managed to get my hardware working
with Solaris 10 (which was my first plan), I'd have used zfs.

Solaris for x86 has always been short in the hardware department...In past days it was kinda sluggy too because it lacked hardware support for a number of things that were fast on SPARC due to hardware support in the processor. I think with 10 they finally became VERY serious about x86 and ESPECIALLY x86_64 performance too and it's improved, that said I haven't had any time to even test Sol 10. Soon...sometime...

I'd tend to recommend ReiserFS or XFS first (to me Reiser is better, XFS second...Reiser seems to handle corruption a little better, except in the case of tail corruption in which case you lose all the tails on the filesystem possibly), followed by ext3. Ext2 isn't an option because for 500+G you need journalling.

Reiser will take a while to mount such a large filesystem....As may XFS. I haven't treied anything that big recently with ext3 but you can try it...though I'm kind of interested now so I might see myself. My benchmarks would be out of whack with yours though because of CPU and storage backend differences. :)

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