Le Jeudi 04 Mai 2006 15:52, vous avez écrit :
> Hello.
> I've just started a job at a new company. They have an backup system with
> everyday copies the touched files to a disk on a backup server and on the
> weekend it makes a 0 level to tape.
> They say the system is not really relayable because some times they don't
> find the files an want a new one.
> So I will install amanda.
> The problem is that they want to keep the old backup touched files each day
> and zero level on the weekend. In 
> http://www.amanda.org/docs/topten.html#id2552255 says this is not possible.
> So I will use amanda with a weekly cycle so that at saturday everyting is
> backuedup.
> But I still need to incremental backup the touched files since last
> inscremental, is it possible to force amanda to (in its runs during week)
> first copy to backup server the touched files and them some others?

You may want to have a look at this:


We use the same configuration here. Works fine AFAICT.

We use a tape changer here, so the only two files that change between the two 
configurations are amanda.conf (org, dumpcycle, runsperscycle, tapecycle) and 
changer.conf (firstslot and lastslot).

Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One2team - 12bis rue de la Pierre Levée, 75011 PARIS - 0143381980

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