Something has changed in amanda.

I have been running amanda on this lan for several years.  For the most
part, DLE's have been constant for at least six months.  I have six
linux servers, all running debian.  Regarding amanda-server, my records
show that I upgraded amanda to version:

    2.4.5 on 16JUN05

Everything was backing up, and restoring, to my satisfaction, until last
week.  At that time, two servers (brono & jord) were terribly old,
regarding kernel and debian os.  So, I upgraded via aptitude, which also
upgraded amanda-client to version:


Since that time, many -- but, NOT all -- DLE's on brono and jord are
FAIL'ing, e.g.:

    brono  /var  lev 0  FAILED [missing result for /var in brono response]
    jord   /var  lev 0  FAILED [missing result for /var in jord response]

Yes, both of these servers have many DLE's; but, as stated above, this
HAS been working without incident at the older version.  Numbers of

    brono  137
    jord   219

At first, I thought that this maybe conflict between amanda-server and
amanda-client versions; so, I upgraded amanda-server:

    2.5.0 on 23MAY06

NO difference.

So, I searched these archives, and I googled.  All I found was this URL:


amanda.conf has never had `etimeout' configured.  Yesterday, I set it:

    etimeout  600

NO difference.  Remember, this exact same configuration has been working
WITHOUT incident at older version for eleven months!

This is NOT a firewall issue, since this is only for my internal lan.

Regarding maximum udp datagram size:


Apparently, sysctl on linux/debian does NOT support this.  I have pinged
debian-user on this issue; but, there has been NO response.  I do NOT
know what the current, default size is; nor do I know how to change it.

I prefer NOT to combine DLE's; which will pose other challenges, not the
least of which is DLE larger than tape.  These DLE's are very dynamic.
I cannot predict when a particular DLE will contain enormous data; and
the nature of this dynamic data is already compressed ...

What am I missing?  This used to work; then, it b0rk; and the only
change was a newer amanda version.

What do you think?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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