> -----Original Message-----

> <quote who="Gardiner Leverett">
> > I've got a question for you (since I'm about to implement
> > the exact same thing): does the dump have to be tar'd?
> I'm copying this to list for others, hope you don't mind?
> We are using tar, but not gzip'd. We are using the hardare 
> compression.

I had hardware compression turned off. 

> Make sure you use split_diskbuffer, or you'll get a lot of:
> taper: no split_diskbuffer specified: using fallback split 
> size of 10240kb to
> buffer localhost:/root.0 in-memory
> > I am trying to dump about 80G of data from across the
> > country (with T1's at both ends), and the throughput is
> > coming at 161kb/s, which is trying to say it'd be 4 days
> > to dump all this data (when it used to work in one weekend
> > over 40 hours).
> Whoa ;-)

Yeah, that's what I said! Something is very wrong here. 

> > I want to implement the same thing with
> > splitting across lto2 tapes (but I don't have a holding disk,
> > and I'm about to add a usb one).  I think the tar is what's
> > killing this, so I just want to do a full dump, into 2gb chunks
> > and save those to tape.
> Plain tar or with compression?
Plain tar. 

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