--On August 21, 2006 8:22:52 PM +1000 Craig Dewick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I might be getting hold of a StorEdge L9 with a DLT-8000 in it sometime
in the next few weeks. Is anyone using one of those arrays with Amanda?
Are there any gotcha's to watch out for? Any recommendations on the
'interfacing' software to go between Amanda and the array? Is 'mtx' still
the application of choice for that sort of thing?

They are just ATL libraries. The old L1800 is an ATL 4/52, and they'll identify as such over SCSI usually too. mtx is definitely the control of choice for them. Biggest difference is the Sun units have a much nicer display/interface unit than the ATLs.

Be *very* cautious applying robotics updates, the robotics subsystem is pretty touchy about getting an update right, and last I checked they are still DOS only utilities, but, I had to run mine in a Windows DOS box to slow it down some (it kept confusing the library by not pausing quite long enough between blocks of data to the FLASH).



Post by Craig Dewick (tm). Web @ "http://lios.apana.org.au/~cdewick";.
Email 2 "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". SunShack @ "http://www.sunshack.org";
Forums @ "http://www.sunshack.org/phpBB2";. Also Galleries, tech archive,
Sun Microsystems webring at

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