* Ronan KERYELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20060908 06:41]:
> >>>>> On Thu, 7 Sep 2006 16:34:36 -0400, Jean-Francois Malouin <[EMAIL 
> >>>>> PROTECTED]> said:
>     Jean-Francois> Hello, I had my first compilation try at amanda-2.5.1
>     Jean-Francois> today on a SGI irix-6.5 and apart from the fact that I
>     Jean-Francois> had to add '-lgen' to LDFLAGS while configuring
>     Jean-Francois> everything went smooth. I read the release notes on the
>     Jean-Francois> wiki on the new auth scheme and updated inetd.conf and
>     Jean-Francois> the amandahost file and after installing a new
>     Jean-Francois> amanda.conf and its minions (I plan to use a STK L180
>     Jean-Francois> with LTO drives) my first attempt at checking the
>     Jean-Francois> server and client fails while parsing the conf file:
>     Jean-Francois> "...amanda.conf", line 43: configuration keyword
>     Jean-Francois> expected "...amanda.conf", line 43: end of line is
>     Jean-Francois> expected
>     Jean-Francois> ad nauseam. amanda.conf is 42 lines long...
>     Jean-Francois> I compiled using the native sgi C compiler and gcc
>     Jean-Francois> 3.3.2 with the same results. Any ideas?
> Same here for me.
> I guesse this is because the format of the conf file has changed and is less
> permisive about old features. So I needed to update my conf, by replacing
> for example "option compress best" by "compress client best" and so
> on. And afterwards it was fine.
> But with your file, we could help more...

Here it comes with the includes put inline (makes it 185 lines long):

org "stk_180-conf10"
mailto "amanda"
dumpuser "amanda"
inparallel 10
dumporder "TTTTTTTTTT"
taperalgo largestfit
netusage  1000 Mbps
dumpcycle 7 days
runspercycle 7
tapecycle 20 tapes
displayunit "m"
bumpsize 20 Mb
bumpdays 1
bumpmult 4
etimeout 2880
dtimeout 2880
ctimeout 60
tapebufs 20
runtapes 20
usetimestamps no
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"
tapedev "/hw/tape/500507630000d95d/lun0nrnsv/c2p400000"
rawtapedev "/dev/null"
changerfile "/opt/amanda/amanda10/etc/amanda/stk_180-conf10/stk_180"
changerdev "/dev/changer-l180"
tapetype "Ultrium-SGT-LTO1"
labelstr "^stk_180-conf10-[0-9][0-9]*$"
holdingdisk hd1 {
  comment "main holding disk"
  directory "/holddisk/conf10/stk_180"
  use 100 Gb
  chunksize 0
reserve 100
autoflush no
diskfile "/opt/amanda/amanda10/etc/amanda/stk_180-conf10/disklist"
tapelist "/opt/amanda/amanda10/etc/amanda/stk_180-conf10/tapelist"
infofile "/opt/amanda/amanda10/usr/adm/amanda/stk_180-conf10/curinfo"
logdir   "/opt/amanda/amanda10/usr/adm/amanda/stk_180-conf10/log"
indexdir "/opt/amanda/amanda10/usr/adm/amanda/stk_180-conf10/index"
amrecover_do_fsf yes
amrecover_check_label yes
amrecover_changer "changer"
define tapetype Ultrium-SGT-LTO1 {
   comment "just produced by tapetype program"
   length 101376 mbytes
   filemark 0 kbytes
   speed 15084 kps
define dumptype global {
  comment "Global definitions"
  index yes
  record yes
define dumptype always-full {
  comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
  compress none
  priority high
  dumpcycle 0
define dumptype root-tar {
  program "GNUTAR"
  comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
  compress none
  priority low
define dumptype user-tar {
  comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
  priority medium
define dumptype high-tar {
  comment "partitions dumped with tar"
  priority high
  maxdumps 4
define dumptype high-tar-test {
  comment "partitions dumped with tar"
  priority high
  record no
  index no
  ignore yes
define dumptype comp-root-tar {
  comment "Root partitions with compression"
  compress client fast
define dumptype comp-user-tar {
  compress client fast
define dumptype holding-disk {
  comment "The master-host holding disk itself"
  holdingdisk no
  priority medium
define dumptype comp-user {
  comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines"
  compress client fast
  priority medium
define dumptype nocomp-user {
  comment "Non-root partitions on slow machines"
  compress none
define dumptype comp-root {
  comment "Root partitions with compression"
  compress client fast
  priority low
define dumptype nocomp-root {
  comment "Root partitions without compression"
  compress none
define dumptype comp-high {
  comment "very important partitions on fast machines"
  compress client best
  priority high
define dumptype nocomp-high {
  comment "very important partitions on slow machines"
  compress none
define dumptype nocomp-test {
  comment "test dump without compression, no /etc/dumpdates recording"
  compress none
  record no
  priority medium
define dumptype comp-test {
  comment "test dump with compression, no /etc/dumpdates recording"
  compress client fast
define dumptype tar-100 {
  comment "partitions dumped with tar"
  priority high
define dumptype xfs-100 {
  comment "XFSDUMP dump for filesystems less than tape capacity (100GB)"
  program "DUMP"
  priority high
  compress none
  maxdumps 4
define dumptype tar-archival {
   program "GNUTAR"
   index no
   record no
   compress none
   dumpcycle 0
define dumptype xfs-archival {
   program "DUMP"
   index no
   record no
   compress none
   dumpcycle 0
define interface local {
  comment "a local disk"
  use 1000 kbps
define interface le0 {
  comment "10 Mbps ethernet"
  use 400 kbps


> -- 
>   Ronan KERYELL               |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
>   Département Informatique    |/)  Fax:    (+33|0)
>   ENST Bretagne, CS 83818     K    GSM:    (+33|0)
>   F-29238 PLOUZANÉ CEDEX      |\   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   FRANCE                      | \  http://enstb.org/~keryell
>                                    callto:ils.seconix.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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