--On October 9, 2006 2:32:36 PM -0400 "McGraw, Robert P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to backup a Mac OSX using /sbin/dump. I am getting a sizecheck

Question number 1, is it possible to use /sbin/dump with amanda? If
someone is doing this can you guide me to what I am missing?

When using dump you must give it the device name, not the filesystem.



Below is my sendcheck...debug output.

sendsize: debug 1 pid 7738 ruid 30002 euid 30002: start at Mon Oct  9
14:17:04 2006
sendsize: version 2.5.1p1
Could not open conf file
"/pkgs/amanda-2.5.0p1/etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf": No such file or
Could not open conf file
"/pkgs/amanda-2.5.0p1/etc/amanda/daily/amanda-client.conf": No such file
or directory
sendsize: debug 1 pid 7738 ruid 30002 euid 30002: rename at Mon Oct  9
14:17:04 2006
sendsize[7738]: time 0.006: waiting for any estimate child: 1 running
sendsize[7740]: time 0.006: calculating for amname /, dirname /, spindle
-1 sendsize[7740]: time 0.007: getting size via dump for / level 0
sendsize[7740]: time 0.009: calculating for device / with
sendsize[7740]: time 0.009: running "/sbin/dump 0sf 1048576 - /"
sendsize[7740]: time 0.011: running /pkgs/amanda-2.5.0p1/libexec/killpgrp
sendsize[7740]: time 0.018:   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Oct  9
14:17:04 2006
sendsize[7740]: time 0.021:   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
sendsize[7740]: time 0.022:   DUMP: Dumping / to standard output
sendsize[7740]: time 0.073:   DUMP: bad sblock magic number
sendsize[7740]: time 0.074:   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
sendsize[7740]: time 0.075: .....
sendsize[7740]: estimate time for / level 0: 0.065
sendsize[7740]: no size line match in /sbin/dump output for "/"
sendsize[7740]: .....
sendsize[7740]: Run /sbin/dump manually to check for errors
sendsize[7740]: time 0.075: asking killpgrp to terminate
dump_calc_estimates: warning - seek failed: Illegal seek
sendsize[7740]: time 1.075: getting size via dump for / level 1
sendsize[7740]: time 1.077: calculating for device / with
sendsize[7740]: time 1.077: running "/sbin/dump 1sf 1048576 - /"
sendsize[7740]: time 1.079: running /pkgs/amanda-2.5.0p1/libexec/killpgrp
sendsize[7740]: time 1.087:   DUMP: Date of this level 1 dump: Mon Oct  9
14:17:05 2006
sendsize[7740]: time 1.088:   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
sendsize[7740]: time 1.089:   DUMP: Dumping / to standard output
sendsize[7740]: time 1.139:   DUMP: bad sblock magic number
sendsize[7740]: time 1.140:   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
sendsize[7740]: time 1.141: .....
sendsize[7740]: estimate time for / level 1: 0.064
sendsize[7740]: no size line match in /sbin/dump output for "/"
sendsize[7740]: .....
sendsize[7740]: Run /sbin/dump manually to check for errors
sendsize[7740]: time 1.141: asking killpgrp to terminate
dump_calc_estimates: warning - seek failed: Illegal seek
sendsize[7740]: time 2.141: getting size via dump for / level 2
sendsize[7740]: time 2.143: calculating for device / with
sendsize[7740]: time 2.143: running "/sbin/dump 2sf 1048576 - /"
sendsize[7740]: time 2.145: running /pkgs/amanda-2.5.0p1/libexec/killpgrp
sendsize[7740]: time 2.151:   DUMP: Date of this level 2 dump: Mon Oct  9
14:17:06 2006
sendsize[7740]: time 2.153:   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
sendsize[7740]: time 2.154:   DUMP: Dumping / to standard output
sendsize[7740]: time 2.206:   DUMP: bad sblock magic number
sendsize[7740]: time 2.207:   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
sendsize[7740]: time 2.208: .....
sendsize[7740]: estimate time for / level 2: 0.064
sendsize[7740]: no size line match in /sbin/dump output for "/"
sendsize[7740]: .....
sendsize[7740]: Run /sbin/dump manually to check for errors
sendsize[7740]: time 2.208: asking killpgrp to terminate
dump_calc_estimates: warning - seek failed: Illegal seek
sendsize[7740]: time 3.208: done with amname / dirname / spindle -1
sendsize[7738]: time 3.209: child 7740 terminated normally
sendsize: time 3.209: pid 7738 finish time Mon Oct  9 14:17:07 2006

Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                 EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                         ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                   FAX: (419) 821-0540
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors
into trouble of all kinds."
-- Samuel Butler

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