Well I have a folder lets say its called "voice" and in voice I have a bunch of folders in there labeled by date. Starting with todays date all the way back to 10-01-2005. I want to backup everything till may of 2006 for the. Then I'm going to delete all those files because I have them on tape. Then every month I just want to back up the next month so in this case the next month would be June then July etc.

Steven Kurylo wrote:
1. Have a backup run once a month on the 1st.

We have a config which only does full backups and cron schedules it to
run at the start of the month.
2. Only backup data 7 months prior to todays date based on yyyy-mm
Do you mean only keep 7 months worth of data?  Then only put 7 tapes in
the rotation.

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