I'm trying to backup my RHEL4 host 'www' using my Debian amanda server
'centernet.' Centernet backs up itself successfully, but can't back up
the remote host www. I installed amanda-common, amanda-server and
amanda-client from the Debian sarge packages on centernet, and
amanda-client-2.4.4p3-1 and amanda-2.4.4p3-1 from the RHEL4 packages on
www. The information at the end of this post shows the tcpdump of
packets received on www when I do 'amcheck -c DBackup', which shows that
they seem to be arriving at the host, but I get 'port amanda
unreachable'. netstat doesn't show the amanda port open, but I'm not
sure if it should (this is the only remote host I back up, so no
compar4ison is possible). The xinet.d/amanda file seems correct; the
backup host on www is 'amanda' and the backup host on the tapeserver
centernet is 'backkup,' but I think I've got the correct answers in
/var/lig/amanda/.amandahosts. The amanda debug files from the tapehost
don't seem to show anything odd.

Thanks for any help or suggestions in troubleshooting this problem.


Kevin Zembower
Internet Services Group manager
Center for Communication Programs
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, Maryland  21202
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ date; /usr/sbin/amcheck -c DBackup; for f in `find
/tmp/amanda* -mmin -1`; do { echo $f; cat $f; } done 
Tue Dec  5 11:01:56 EST 2006

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: www: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 29.955 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p3)
cat: /tmp/amanda: Is a directory
amcheck: debug 1 pid 10468 ruid 34 euid 0: start at Tue Dec  5 11:01:56
amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
amcheck: pid 10468 finish time Tue Dec  5 11:02:25 2006
amandad: debug 1 pid 10470 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Tue Dec  5 11:01:56
amandad: version 2.4.4p3
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.4p3"
amandad:        BUILT_DATE="Sun May 29 17:05:59 CEST 2005"
amandad:        BUILT_MACH="Linux rover 2.6.10-5-686 #1 Tue Apr 5
12:27:02 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux"
amandad:        CC="gcc"
amandad:        CONFIGURE_COMMAND="'./configure' '--prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--enable-shared' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--with-index-server=localhost' '--with-user=backup'
'--with-group=backup' '--with-bsd-security' '--with-amandahosts'
'--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-tcpportrange=50000,50100'
amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/sbin" sbindir="/usr/sbin"
amandad:        libexecdir="/usr/lib/amanda" mandir="/usr/share/man"
amandad:        AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda"
amandad:        CONFIG_DIR="/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
amandad:        RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" DUMP="/sbin/dump"
amandad:        RESTORE="/sbin/restore" VDUMP=UNDEF VRESTORE=UNDEF
amandad:        XFSDUMP="/sbin/xfsdump" XFSRESTORE="/sbin/xfsrestore"
amandad:        SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/bin/smbclient" GNUTAR="/bin/tar"
amandad:        COMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip" UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip"
amandad:        LPRCMD="/usr/bin/lpr" MAILER="/usr/bin/mail"
amandad:        listed_incr_dir="/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists"
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="localhost" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailySet1"
amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="localhost"
amandad:        CLIENT_LOGIN="backup" FORCE_USERID HAVE_GZIP
amandad:        COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
amandad:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"
amandad: time 0.000: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-603E0508 SEQ 1165334516
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffe0f;

amandad: time 0.000: sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-603E0508 SEQ 1165334516

amandad: time 0.001: bsd security: remote host cn2.jhuccp.org user
backup local user backup
amandad: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amandad: time 0.001: running service "noop"
amandad: time 0.001: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-603E0508 SEQ 1165334516
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffe0f;

amandad: time 0.002: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-603E0508 SEQ 1165334516

amandad: time 0.002: pid 10470 finish time Tue Dec  5 11:01:56 2006
amandad: debug 1 pid 10471 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Tue Dec  5 11:01:56
amandad: version 2.4.4p3
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.4p3"
amandad:        BUILT_DATE="Sun May 29 17:05:59 CEST 2005"
amandad:        BUILT_MACH="Linux rover 2.6.10-5-686 #1 Tue Apr 5
12:27:02 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux"
amandad:        CC="gcc"
amandad:        CONFIGURE_COMMAND="'./configure' '--prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--enable-shared' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--with-index-server=localhost' '--with-user=backup'
'--with-group=backup' '--with-bsd-security' '--with-amandahosts'
'--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-tcpportrange=50000,50100'
amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/sbin" sbindir="/usr/sbin"
amandad:        libexecdir="/usr/lib/amanda" mandir="/usr/share/man"
amandad:        AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda"
amandad:        CONFIG_DIR="/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
amandad:        RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" DUMP="/sbin/dump"
amandad:        RESTORE="/sbin/restore" VDUMP=UNDEF VRESTORE=UNDEF
amandad:        XFSDUMP="/sbin/xfsdump" XFSRESTORE="/sbin/xfsrestore"
amandad:        SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/bin/smbclient" GNUTAR="/bin/tar"
amandad:        COMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip" UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/bin/gzip"
amandad:        LPRCMD="/usr/bin/lpr" MAILER="/usr/bin/mail"
amandad:        listed_incr_dir="/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists"
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="localhost" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailySet1"
amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="localhost"
amandad:        CLIENT_LOGIN="backup" FORCE_USERID HAVE_GZIP
amandad:        COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
amandad:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"
amandad: time 0.000: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-E88A0608 SEQ 1165334518
SERVICE selfcheck
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffe0f;maxdumps=1;hostname=centernet;
GNUTAR sda9  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda7  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda6  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda5  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda3  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda14  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;
GNUTAR sda2  0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;index;

amandad: time 0.000: sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-E88A0608 SEQ 1165334518

amandad: time 0.001: bsd security: remote host cn2.jhuccp.org user
backup local user backup
amandad: time 0.001: amandahosts security check passed
amandad: time 0.001: running service "/usr/lib/amanda/selfcheck"
amandad: time 0.014: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-E88A0608 SEQ 1165334518
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffe0f;
OK sda9
OK sda9
OK /var/www/centernet/logs
OK sda7
OK sda7
OK /var/lib/mysql
OK sda6
OK sda6
OK /var/www/centernet/htdocs
OK sda5
OK sda5
OK /opt/analog/logdata
OK sda3
OK sda3
OK /usr
OK sda14
OK sda14
OK /boot
OK sda2
OK sda2
OK /
OK /usr/lib/amanda/runtar executable
OK /bin/tar executable
OK /var/lib/amanda/amandates read/writable
OK /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/. read/writable
OK /bin/gzip executable
OK /dev/null read/writable
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /var/lib has more than 64 KB available.

amandad: time 0.014: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-E88A0608 SEQ 1165334518

amandad: time 0.014: pid 10471 finish time Tue Dec  5 11:01:56 2006
selfcheck: debug 1 pid 10472 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Tue Dec  5
11:01:56 2006
/usr/lib/amanda/selfcheck: version 2.4.4p3
selfcheck: time 0.000: checking disk sda9
selfcheck: time 0.001: device /var/www/centernet/logs
selfcheck: time 0.001: disk "sda9" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: amdevice "sda9" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: device "/var/www/centernet/logs" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: checking disk sda7
selfcheck: time 0.001: device /var/lib/mysql
selfcheck: time 0.001: disk "sda7" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: amdevice "sda7" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: device "/var/lib/mysql" OK
selfcheck: time 0.001: checking disk sda6
selfcheck: time 0.002: device /var/www/centernet/htdocs
selfcheck: time 0.002: disk "sda6" OK
selfcheck: time 0.002: amdevice "sda6" OK
selfcheck: time 0.002: device "/var/www/centernet/htdocs" OK
selfcheck: time 0.002: checking disk sda5
selfcheck: time 0.002: device /opt/analog/logdata
selfcheck: time 0.003: disk "sda5" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: amdevice "sda5" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: device "/opt/analog/logdata" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: checking disk sda3
selfcheck: time 0.003: device /usr
selfcheck: time 0.003: disk "sda3" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: amdevice "sda3" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: device "/usr" OK
selfcheck: time 0.003: checking disk sda14
selfcheck: time 0.003: device /boot
selfcheck: time 0.003: disk "sda14" OK
selfcheck: time 0.004: amdevice "sda14" OK
selfcheck: time 0.004: device "/boot" OK
selfcheck: time 0.004: checking disk sda2
selfcheck: time 0.004: device /
selfcheck: time 0.004: disk "sda2" OK
selfcheck: time 0.004: amdevice "sda2" OK
selfcheck: time 0.004: device "/" OK
selfcheck: time 0.006: pid 10472 finish time Tue Dec  5 11:01:56 2006

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