Greets, amanda-users,
happy new year ...

Recently I lost two tapedrives in a row, one DLT and one DDS-3, so I had
to quickly get another one.

I ebayed around a bit, and decided for a Dilog Libra 8 library, mainly
because of the low price and the fact that I have lots of DDS3-tapes

I browsed the ml-archives and only found one note from Marc Schaefer,
who worked for Dilog back then and tested it with Amanda positively. He
mentioned that it worked with chio, which is rather old now afaik. Does
anyone has used such a library with mtx as well? Any infos on this?

Dunno if Marc is still subscribed here ...

Currently I am waiting for this box to be delivered, so I still had no
possibility to try it out by myself.

Thanks, greets,

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