Greets, amanda-users,

received a call from a customer today, there are problems with restoring
files on a Amanda-2.4.4p3-machine. amrecover crashed so I went in to do:

 # amrestore  /dev/nst0 serverX /usr/daten/DATEN
amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20070118 label daily15
amrestore:   1: skipping serverX._boot.20070118.0
amrestore:   2: skipping serverX._var.20070118.0
amrestore:   3: skipping serverX._.20070118.0
amrestore:   4: restoring serverX._usr_daten_DATEN.20070118.0

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 18055168+32768, wrote 0
amrestore: pipe reader has quit in middle of file.


Bad ...

An "amrestore -r" worked out fine, so it seems the file's content itself
is corrupt. I get these errors with two different tapes, so the problem
seems to be the compression of that DLE. Another DLE (/var) restores
fine which seems to point out that not the hardware/tape is the problem.

googled a bit and found notes about a bug in 2.4.4, but I am unsure if I
hit this particular one.

Any help in sight? I should restore <100MB of files from this DLE if

I have the raw DLE-restore on disk now, I try to list content:

# dd if=serverX._usr_daten_DATEN.20070118.0 bs=32k skip=1 | /bin/tar -tzf -

and it hangs with

/bin/tar: Skipping to next header

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
/bin/tar: Child died with signal 13
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
552+0 records in
551+0 records out

after displaying a few dozens of lines ...

Thanks, greets, Stefan.

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