I've restored amanda file systems in the past from tape using amrestore.
However, I switched from tapes to vtapes several months ago and am trying
to restore a file system.

According to the FAQs and posts I saw searching various archives, one
wants to use amrecover intead of amrestore for vtapes.

Trying to run as user amanda, I am told it has to be run as root.  When I
run it as root, I get this error:

su-2.05b# amrecover -C colos
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.0p2. Contacting server on ns1.pil.net ...
amrecover: cannot connect to server.mydomain.net: Connection refused

I then add the user root to ~amanda/.amandahosts, but it doesn't make a

(Partial) cat ~amanda/.amandahosts

localhost.mydomain.net amanda
server.mydomain.net amanda
server.mydomain.net root
localhost.mydomain.net root

I also tried adding to this config's amanda.conf the following:

amrecover_changer "file:/path/to/tapedev"

And it didn't help.  What am I missing?


James Smallacombe                     PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                           

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