Hi All,
 I have two different amanda configurations - one for daily incremental backups 
and the second for monthly full backup. The most recent monthly full backup 
failed for some reason. The error reported in the amanda email is as follows: 
  <amanda_client_name>  /vol/vol1/home  lev 0  FAILED [data timeout]
  <amanda_client_name>  /vol/vol1/home  lev 0  FAILED [dump to tape failed]
 So I need to the take the monthly full backup again. But the amanda message
"These dumps were to tape FULLBACK-10.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape."

suggests that I would need to use a new tape to attempt the full backup again. 
I would like to use the same tape again. What do I need to do to get this done 
(ie to use the same tape again)? 

Thanks in advance.


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