zuki (a.k.a. fedora?) wrote:
hoogendyk wrote:
There are a number of issues here that are hard to answer without more information about your setup, volume of data and budget. These are things that every backup administrator has to answer, and there is no particular "right" answer.


So, you filled(?) your 30 days of tapes, and now you want to put that somewhere before you begin to fill another 30 days worth. How much data is that? And where did you figure on storing it? If you are using tapes in the first place, it seems fair to assume you don't have that much excess disk space sitting around. If you want it all, then you could just keep adding new tapes to your cycle. If you are not filling the tapes, you could use a holding disk, configure Amanda so that it would do both fulls and incrementals to the holding disk, and then only put a tape in when the holding disk was approaching full. Amanda would automatically flush it all out to tape on the next run (on the other runs you'd get tape errors, but it would do the backups to the holding disk). If your data capacity allowed you to put a tape in only once a week, then 52 tapes would run your backups for a year.

Yes. my tapes are 30 tapes and I want to put that somewhere before I begin to fill another 30 days worth. The data is around 300GB and I want to restore it in same HDD just take them out from tapes. I am not using tape but using HDD (tapeless).
You could also set up a separate archive configuration for Amanda, schedule it to run once a month, and make sure the schedule doesn't interfere with the normal daily runs. I prefer to have all the book keeping and indexes in one configuration, but you may have other priorities.

May I know how to setup a separate archive for Amanda? I will have to try it.
There are a multitude of possible ways to configure backups with Amanda. You should have enough information from running Amanda up to this point to see how much data you have to backup and how well your tape capacity, server, and network handle that. Then you put that together with your budget and decide what is going to work for you for a long term strategy.

One point I would make, though, is that recovering from backup in order to make an archive is probably not a good strategy. You would need a large enough capacity disk to handle the recovery, and you would lose the client machine information in the process, since the archive backup would only know that it came from your recovery disk.

Hopefully, my comments along with Jon's will help you decide how to configure your long term strategy.
I am using 1TB HDD (RAID 5 LVM). I will need to add more HDD if I want to restore in the same machine. That is my planing for now. I am a newbie for Amanda. If u guys have a better solutions for me I would be appreciate it. Thanks a lot for your meaningful explanations. :-)

Ahh, so you have a 1TB RAID on which you have set up 30 virtual tapes, and those 30 tapes occupy 300GB after running for 30 days. You could add more virtual tapes as suggested by Jean-Louis, however, at 300GB/month you are going to run out of space sometime after 3 months. You're also putting all your eggs in one RAID, to twist a phrase. If that were a server class RAID built with server class SCSI drives, I might trust it; but, if it is cheap hardware SATA type stuff, I've heard more than a few horror stories of multiple drive failures leading to data loss.

So you have a couple of issues. You should think about redundancy and how well you are covering yourself. This is strongly influenced by your budget, but at least consider having a hot spare configured in your RAID. And, be sure to keep an eye on things. Watch log files. Perhaps implement some automated checking and notification of hardware errors. That's one reason I like real tapes -- the possibilities for catastrophic data loss are almost nil.

Your other issue is bringing your storage capacity and your backup policies into line with one another. You indicate you want coverage for a year. Using your current configuration and expanding the number of virtual tapes will have you running out of storage capacity in just over 3 months. Your daily needs aren't that big. I don't know what your configuration is (dump cycle, runs per cycle, etc.), but adjusting those probably wouldn't help enough, since you need 3 or 4 times as much storage capacity. However, since your daily backups are not too big, you could perhaps once a month force all your DLEs to full and then mark that tape as no-reuse. At the end of some period, you'll have a bunch of full backups marked no-reuse and a full cycle of vtapes that just keep getting turned over (maybe a 6 week cycle?). You will have to determine what fits into your storage capacity. Then you could just remove the no-reuse tag for the oldest and let it go back into the cycle. At that point you are in a pattern of each month or so forcing a full, marking it no-reuse, and releasing the oldest no-reuse to go back into the cycle. Your cycle would be totally automated by Amanda, but your forced fulls would be manual (though you could script it). That's just one possibility.

I wouldn't get into multiple configurations until you are really comfortable with it. Otherwise, it could make things too complicated as well as less efficient for your storage capacity. Better to have all your backups and indexes under one configuration. Amanda can continue to plan incrementals based on the no-reuse fulls since they are part of the same configuration. But that's just my opinion for your situation at this point in time.


Chris Hoogendyk

  O__  ---- Systems Administrator
 c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst

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