On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:17:17 -0400
rorycl <amanda-fo...@backupcentral.com> wrote:

> An important aspect of the system is that the tapes should be readable
> for 12 years, by other parties if necessary. From this point of view
> we like the idea of providing a CD with each tape set of the software
> needed to extract the contents, together with a listing of the
> enclosed files in a UTF8 text file. We will be required to audit each
> backup set by successfully extracting files from tape.

I assume you already have verified that your tapes will last that long
before print-through makes them unreadable.

Another thought is to provide a CD/DVD of a suitable distribution of
Linux with Amanda, mt, etc. That way you don't have compatibility
problems with the current version of Amanda and some future
distribution of Linux. Install and go, and at least then you should be
able to read the tapes.


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