Cyrille Bollu wrote:
Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> I wouldn't put the holding disks in raid.

Hu hu... Interesting... I have a 4 disks RAID-0 holding disk, and it isn't fast... I always wondered if I should use seperated (non-RAID) drives...

Here is an extremely interesting article that everyone should take a look at. Rather than just giving theoretical comparisons that you see in places like the Wikipedia raid article (which is nevertheless an excellent reference), this article is a case study analysis with both real and test environments throwing data at raid and instrumenting it --

While this guy is looking at things like database servers and exchange, we ought to be able to interpret this for Amanda. A couple of points to note for Amanda: Amanda will use all the holding disk drives while doing parallel backups and storing output on the holding disks. When it is writing to tape, it is constrained by the sequential nature of the tape, and will only be doing one DLE at a time from those that it has completed on the holding disks. Also, Amanda's access is heavily sequential, although it may have multiple parallel processes hitting the drives.


Chris Hoogendyk

O__ ---- Systems Administrator
c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
(*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst



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