On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 10:13:08AM +0100, Uwe Menges wrote:
> stan wrote:
> > Beacuse of the ongoing problems we ar having with getting reliable Amanda
> > backups here, it has dawned on me that it would be nice to have a report
> > showing how old the newest level zero is for each DLE, and so on for wach
> > existant level.
> > 
> > Is there an easy way to generate this report?
> > 
> I use "amoverview uwe -diskwidth 28 -skipmissed -num0" to get such info.

Hmm, well, that certainly oes presnt a lot of data :-)

I was hoping for a more management freindly looking repport.

I realize that with a day or so's effort I could probably cobble together
something using perl, but i was hoping to "stand on the shoulders of

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