I am using amanda 3.1.1 on a Sun Solaris 10 x86.

I have been running my daily backups with no problem but, by using 
taperflush=100, my daily backups only require one tape and the rest of the data 
is kept in the holding disk to be flushed at the next daily backup.

I have just started doing my monthly archive backups, which requires that all 
the data be level 0 and be flushed to tape and so my taperflush=0, which means 
that amanda has to change tapes during the backup.

Since going to amanda 3.1.1 I am getting the following error message on my 
archive backup, which causes my backup to go into degrade mode.

  hertz /gauss/export/users-m lev 0  partial taper: Error writing block: 
Mysterious short write on tape device: Tried 2097152, got 1052672
  hertz /gauss/export/users-y lev 0  FLUSH while ejecting volume: Can't open 
tape device /dev/rmt/0cbn: Device busy

Moving to amanda 3.1.1, I have moved to the chg-robot define changer which is 
defined as:

tapedev "c4"
define changer "c4" {
  tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/changer/0"
  changerfile "chg-zd-mtx-state"
  property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/rmt/0cbn"
  property "eject-before-unload" "yes"
  property "eject-delay" "5"
  property "use-slots" "31-36"
  property "load-poll" "0s poll 3s until 120s"

I used the same values in the define changer above that I had in my 2.6.1p2 
amanda.conf file, which had no changer problems.

1) I am thinking this might be a changer timing problem. Does this sound 
correct or am I way off base?

2) Should the value of "eject-before-unload" equal "yes" or "true" or will 
either work?

I am thinking of modifying the define changer to add a little more time.

tapedev "c4"
define changer "c4" {
  tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/changer/0"
  changerfile "chg-zd-mtx-state"
  property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/rmt/0cbn"
  property "eject-before-unload" "yes"
  property "eject-delay" "10"   <<<<<<
  property "unload-delay" "10"  <<<<<<
  property "use-slots" "31-36"
  property "load-poll" "0s poll 5s until 120s" <<<<<

3) Any other suggestions.

4) I looked through the /tmp/amanda logs and the  /var/amanda/archive logs but 
could not find any useful information about this error. This does not mean that 
it is not their it means that there is some much information that I cannot find 
what I am looking for.  What log file would give me more information about the 
above error, so I can narrow down the log file that I need to search.



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System                    EMAIL: rmcg...@purdue.edu
Purdue University                            ROOM: MATH-807
Department of Mathematics                   PHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street                      
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067            

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