I run multiple Amanda configurations to back up different DLEs on
various cycles, etc.

In most cases my DLEs are different in the different configurations, but
in a few cases I want to back up the same filesystem in more than one
configuration.  (Normally I just have simple "host path dumptype" lines
in my disklist files.)

I've recently discovered that when I have the same host/path pair in
multiple configurations, the filenames generated for the GNU tar listed
incremental snapshot files end up clashing, so that the snapshot files
generated one configuration's run over-write the files generated by
another configuration's run.

(The files in question are the ones put in the "listed_incr_dir"
directory, e.g. /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/ on my Debian/Ubuntu

Some of my machines are running Ubuntu Lucid, with Amanda 2.6.1p1.  I
thought I'd try setting up an application-tool instance of amgtar and
use the GNUTAR-LISTDIR property to point the files to a different
directory for each configuration -- but the property seems to be
ignored...  (I'll put details about that at the end of this message.)

Has anyone else run into this cross-configuration snapshot-file-clashing
problem?  If so, did you find a better solution than using a "diskname"
value on each disklist line to manually ensure that the entries were
unique across all configurations?

(I still have some servers running pre-application-tool versions of
Amanda, so I'd be interested to hear any clever solutions for the
standard "program GNUTAR" dumptype as well...)

Or am I the only one who ever tries to doing incremental backups of the
same filesystems from multiple configurations?  (It seems like the
GNUTAR-LISTDIR property bug is still there in Amanda 3.3, and I'm a
little surprise no one else has noticed that it's not working....)



p.s. Here are a couple lines out of the "ps aux" output I got during my
amdump run when I tried using the GNUTAR-LISTDIR property:

  backup   15825  0.4  0.1   4324  1644 ?        S    23:50   0:02 amgtar 
backup --message line --config NightlyBackup --host mycroft --disk / --device / 
--level 1 --index line --record --exclude-list /etc/amanda/exclude.gtar 
--gnutar-listdir /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/NightlyBackup --check-device NO
  root     15827  1.9  0.6   7680  6468 ?        S    23:50   0:10 /bin/tar 
--create --verbose --file - --directory / --one-file-system 
--atime-preserve=system --no-check-device --listed-incremental 
/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/mycroft__1.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read 
--totals --exclude-from /tmp/amanda/amgtar._.20111213235008.exclude .

As you can see, the invocation of amgtar does include the
--gnutar-listdir option with my custom path, but the filename passed to
the --listed-incremental option in the tar command line uses the default
path instead of the one passed to amgtar.  (On the other hand, the
"--check-device NO" option does get translated correctly into a
--no-check-device option on the tar call.)

I think I found the bug that causes this in amgtar.c, and I'll post a
note about that to the amanda-hackers list after I see if the discussion
here turns up anything I'm missing....

Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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