
Post the amvault.<datastamp>.debug file.

Can you run amvault inside gdb?

$gdb perl
(gdb) run /path/to/amvault [amvault arg]

And get a backtrace of all threads?

(gdb) info threads

Then for each threads:
(gdb) thread <thread id>
(gdb) where


On 05/15/2012 03:21 AM, Dennis Benndorf wrote:
Hello Jean-Louis,

got annother segmentation fault this morning now running amanda 3.3.1.svn.4721.


Am 14.05.2012 16:14, schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
On 05/14/2012 08:26 AM, Dennis Benndorf wrote:
after updating our backup server to Ubuntu Server 12.04 and recompiling amanda 3.3.1 amvault fails with segmentation fault everytime it is started. Might this have something to do with the removal of g_queue_free_full, which was needed to compile it? Which logfiles do you need?

no, it is related to the new version of glib

Use the HEAD of the svn 3-3 branch or the latest 3.3 snapshot from


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