On 06/12/2012 11:51 AM, Sven Rudolph wrote:

I got an unexpected error message:

     fileserver /data lev 1  partial taper: the requested volume is in drive 0, 
which this changer instance cannot access

My configuration uses drive 1, so the message is correct. But I would
expect taper to continue with the next following drive.

What I did in order to create the problem: I have some performance
problem with tape drive 0, so I took the next tape (which has the
oldest data and would be overwritten soon) in order to run some write
tests. I moved the tape with mtx to drive 0.

And then the nightly amdump tried to find the next tape, found it in
the wrong drive, and failed. In my opinion it should completely ignore
drives that it is not responsible for, probably by continuing the
taperscan algorithm.

What is your opinion on this? ;-)



I agree with you.

Can you post the taper debug file? At least the few lines before this error.


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