On 09/27/2012 01:46 AM, Toomas Aas wrote:

This may be something that is fixed in most recent version (I'm running 3.2.2), but I still decided to mention it, since initially I was quite baffled by the error message.

I recently added a new client to my Amanda setup. I had two DLEs from this client in disklist, and it was dumped successfully for a couple of days. Then I decided to temporarily stop dumping this client, and commented out these entries in disklist.

After that, Amanda sends me mail every morning about RESULTS MISSING for *one* of these two DLEs:

  hostname.mydomain.tld /var RESULTS MISSING

I triple-checked that the DLE is indeed commented out in disklist. Running 'amcheck -c' gave no errors.

This seems to be caused by running with 'flush-threshold-dumped' and/or 'flush-threshold-scheduled' parameters to gather multiple days worth of dumps to holding disk and then flush them to large tape. I discovered that one dump for this 'MISSING' DLE is still on holding disk, whereas there are no dumps of the other DLE on the holding disk.

The logfile in <logdir>/log.<timestamp>.0 has this line:
DISK planner hostname.mydomain.tld /var

This is pretty much all the traces of this commented-out host I could find on the server.


This behaviour is not changed.

You will get this error until the DLE is flushed or removed from the holding disk (amadmin holding delete).
I would be a bug if the DLE is not flushed the next time a tape is written.


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