On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 Toomas Aas wrote:

On Wed, 10 Oct 2012, Charles Curley wrote:

I believe running amcheck during an amdump run is a harmless error.

It doesn't probably do any harm, but it turns out that in this case the mail report is still sent, containing these warnings:

WARNING: skipping tape test because amdump or amflush seem to be running
WARNING: if they are not, you must run amcleanup

Which leads me to next question - what is the best way to detect, in a script, that amdump or amflush is running? Off the top of my head I can only think of something like 'ps | grep amdump', but that doesn't seem very elegant. I tried to read amcheck.c to find out how Amanda herself does it, but IANAP...

Toomas Aas

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