What is in the index file?
$ zcat /usr/local/etc/amanda/client/state/index/example/tank_data/20121230122955_0.gz


On 12/30/2012 02:09 PM, Guy Sisalli wrote:
Server is OpenIndiana 151a4, running Amanda 3.3.1, gzip 1.3.5, gtar 1.2.6

Client is a Solaris 11 test, running Amanda 3.1.1, gzip 1.4, gtar 1.2.6.

I ran a backup of zfs partitions from the client to the server, but am unable to extract the data due to what seems like an indexing problem:

amrecover> sethost client.mynetwatchman.com
200 Dump host set to client.mynetwatchman.com.
amrecover> setdisk tank/data
200 Disk set to tank/data.
500 "/" is an invalid directory
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

Indexing is explicitly turned on in the amanda.conf. This is what I find in the index directory for this DLE:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   sys           20 Dec 27 17:49 20121227131338_0.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 amanda sys 959 Dec 27 17:49 20121227131338_0.header
-rw-------   1 amanda   sys           20 Dec 30 12:47 20121230122955_0.gz
-rw------- 1 amanda sys 959 Dec 30 12:47 20121230122955_0.header

The gz files are empty. It's not clear what the issue is. I am suspecting it may have something to do with gzip versions, but it's not entirely clear. Any assistance would be appreciated. Log file from failed amrecover is reproduced below. I can provide other log files as requested, but don't want to spam the list with a huge datadump. ;)

Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: pid 26767 ruid 1002 euid 1002 version 3.3.1: start at Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: version 3.3.1
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 220 amanda AMANDA index server (3.3.1) ready. Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > FEATURES ffffffff9efefbffffffffff1f Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 FEATURES ffffffff9efefbffffffffff1f
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > DATE 2012-12-30
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 Working date set to 2012-12-30.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > SCNF zulu04arc
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: pid 26767 ruid 1002 euid 1002 version 3.3.1: rename at Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012 Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 Config set to client.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST amanda
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 501 Host amanda is not in your disklist.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST localhost
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 501 Host localhost is not in your disklist.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST loghost
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 501 Host loghost is not in your disklist.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST amanda
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 501 Host amanda is not in your disklist.
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST localhost
Sun Dec 30 12:56:48 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 501 Host localhost is not in your disklist. Sun Dec 30 12:56:57 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > HOST client.mynetwatchman.com Sun Dec 30 12:56:57 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 Dump host set to zulu04.mynetwatchman.com.
Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > DISK tank/data
Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: no recovery limit found; allowing access Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: append_to_tapelist(tapelist=0, label='xA00066', file=1, partnum=1, isafile=0) Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: - 2012-12-30-12-29-55 0 xA00066 1 1 1 Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: append_to_tapelist(tapelist=0, label='xA00064', file=47, partnum=1, isafile=0) Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: - 2012-12-27-13-13-38 0 xA00064 47 1 1 Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 Disk set to tank/data.
Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > OISD /
Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: Spawning "/usr/bin/gzip /usr/bin/gzip -dc /usr/local/etc/amanda/client/state/index/example/tank_data/20121230122955_0.gz" in pipeline Sun Dec 30 12:57:04 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: Spawning "/usr/bin/sort /usr/bin/sort" in pipeline Sun Dec 30 12:57:05 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: f /usr/local/etc/amanda/client/state/index/client.mynetwatchman.com/tank_data/20121230122955_0 Sun Dec 30 12:57:05 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 500 "/" is an invalid directory
Sun Dec 30 12:57:05 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > DLE
Sun Dec 30 12:57:05 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 "<dle>\n <program>APPLICATION</program>\n <backup-program>\n <plugin>amzfs-sendrecv</plugin>\n <property>\n <name>df-path</name>\n <value>/bin/df</value>\n </property>\n <property>\n <name>zfs-path</name>\n <value>/sbin/zfs</value>\n </property>\n <property>\n <name>keep-snapshot</name>\n <value>YES</value>\n </property>\n <property>\n <name>pfexec</name>\n <value>NO</value>\n </property>\n </backup-program>\n <disk>tank/data</disk>\n <auth>bsdtcp</auth>\n <record>NO</record>\n <index>YES</index>\n <datapath>AMANDA</datapath>\n</dle>\n"
Sun Dec 30 13:51:36 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: > QUIT
Sun Dec 30 13:51:36 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: removing index file: /usr/local/etc/amanda/client/state/index/client.mynetwatchman.com/tank_data/20121230122955_0
Sun Dec 30 13:51:36 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: < 200 Good bye.
Sun Dec 30 13:51:36 2012: thd-806f5f8: amindexd: pid 26767 finish time Sun Dec 30 13:51:36 2012

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