Amanda users,

Server is Solaris x86, with amanda 3.1.2, locally built
Client is CentOS 5.9 with amanda 2.5.0p2, package

I know I must have restricted port ranges on the server because
I pass through a firewall and have ipf.conf settings on a client
on the far side set to 

(edited for line length)
pass proto tcp from 'server' port 10083><10101 to any port 10083><10101
pass proto udp from 'server' port 931><949 to any port = amanda

I'm having trouble figuring out how to set the port range on the
new client, which was a pre-build package. (and is back rev, yet
that was what was found in the repository).

Amdump of the client has these errors in its report and backups
are not happening. Amcheck runs cleanly, I see daemons start, but
I do not see any data exchange.

  stemcell-stage /usr/share lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [could not
connect DATA stream: can't connect stream to port 51058:
Connection timed out]]

  stemcell-stage /etc lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [request failed:
timeout waiting for ACK]]

  stemcell-stage /var lev 0  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [could not connect
DATA stream: can't connect stream to port 54800:
Connection timed out]]

  stemcell-stage /export/bak lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [request
failed: timeout waiting for ACK]]

I have created an amanda-client.conf on the client.

Based on the client's amanda debug file I see 

I created /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda-client.conf

and attempted to add port information

unreserved-tcp-port 1083,10101
reserved-udp-port 931,949

but this is clearly not working.

Do I need a better kit?
Do I need to build it locally?
Do I have the wrong directory?
Am I using the wrong options or values?

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, any help appreciated.

                                                thank you,

   Brian R Cuttler       
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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