I'm attempting to commit 7 TB of text to tape. It's presently stored in
a natively gzip-9 compressed zvol, weighing in at 1.7 TB.

My holding area is 5 TB, and is set to a native gzip-5 compression.

The functional difference between gzip-5 and gzip-9 is not very much:
Level 9 compression has a 4-8% advantage over level 5. The entire DLE
(taken as files, not a snapshot) should fit quite comfortably in my
holding area. It didn't!

I watched my holding area balloon to 4 TB and keep right on going, as if
it wasn't compressing at all. Is there any scenario in which this might
happen? Would you recommend against a setup like the one I've described?
I'm happy to offer any details needed, but this is probably a good start:


NAME            PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
zulu01/keyRepo  type                  filesystem             -
zulu01/keyRepo  creation              Tue Jan  8 13:48 2013  -
zulu01/keyRepo  used                  1.74T                  -
zulu01/keyRepo  available             6.60T                  -
zulu01/keyRepo  referenced            1.74T                  -
zulu01/keyRepo  compressratio         4.65x                  -
zulu01/keyRepo  mounted               yes                    -
zulu01/keyRepo  quota                 none                   default
zulu01/keyRepo  reservation           none                   default
zulu01/keyRepo  recordsize            128K                   default
zulu01/keyRepo  mountpoint            /tank/datastore        default
zulu01/keyRepo  sharenfs              off                    default
zulu01/keyRepo  checksum              on                     default
zulu01/keyRepo  compression           gzip-9                 local


NAME  PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
hold  type                  filesystem             -
hold  creation              Fri Dec  7 10:34 2012  -
hold  used                  257M                   -
hold  available             5.35T                  -
hold  referenced            243M                   -
hold  compressratio         1.00x                  -
hold  mounted               no                     -
hold  quota                 none                   default
hold  reservation           none                   default
hold  recordsize            128K                   default
hold  mountpoint            /hold                  default
hold  sharenfs              off                    default
hold  checksum              on                     default
hold  compression           gzip-5                 local

Guy Sisalli <gsisa...@mynetwatchman.com>
IT Operations Manager
Atlanta, GA

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