I do that sort of thing a lot.

finsen  /export/home-AZ /export/home   {
        include "./[A-Z]*"

trel   /trelRZ /trel   {
        include "./[R-Z]*"

you have teh case correct? The dot between the first letter
and the wild card is intentional (between the right closing
bracket and the astrix)?

Remember, to check where you are anchored. I've lost your
earlier emails, but you do have to be careful to know what
your starting point is.

In the above example its /export/home, or the /trel directory,
respectively. And you are using TAR (gtar, star, as long as its
an amanda compatible version) not DUMP.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 07:19:31PM +0200, Gerrit A. Smit TI wrote:
> Op 31-07-13 18:56, Mike Neimoyer schreef:
> >
> > include "./[a-c].*"
> Maybe you should first try an existing pathname (so no wildcard), just
> to be sure the "./" is correct here.
> -- 
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Gerrit A. Smit
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