Erik P. Olsen <> (Di 21 Jan 2014 21:36:52 CET):
> Is it possible to have amanda sending messages to a client when a
> backup is started and when it is terminated?

The amanda config allows you to have scripts at several points of the
backup process. These scripts may be executed on the server or on the
client (depending on the script).

Just check amanda.conf(5) for detailed information.

But bewere - it seems that the script related options are not fully
inherited from "parent" configurations. (E.g. if there is a script
declaration in the "global" dumptype, then it seems(!) that 

    define script foobar {
        plugin "foobar"

    define dumptype global {
        script "foobar"

    define dumptype tar {

    define dumptype tar-gz {

… the dumptype tar-gz has forgotten about the script. But I'm still in
testing. It's possible that I'm wrong here.

The short answer: YES, it's possible to send messages.

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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