Am 24.07.2014 um 09:44 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:
> It would be great to have amanda test for DLEs being overdue more than X
> days and email/warn me.
> Might be scripted with "amadamin conf due", right, but I assume it would
> be better to add it as a feature either to amcheck (run at a specific
> time via cron) or amdump (run after the backups).
> This would help to monitor several configs and installations.
> And it would help to detect growing DLEs over time ... I can't check all
> the reports of all my customers regularly.
> plus: would be great to be able to use a separate email recipient for
> this: the human tape changers are often not the admins ...

Should ideas and feature requests better be posted to the amanda-hackers-ml?

I wonder why there is not even one reply to my suggestion ... I had
assumed this would benefit more amanda-users.


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