Brian Cuttler <> (Di 30 Sep 2014 21:38:44 CEST):
> I have a machine on which we replaced the bash shell, which is
> used by some of the amanda scripts.
> We can add ld_library_path to the .cshrc and run interactive
> command like # amcheck -t, but the daemon is not finding the
> library, so we have failures in the nightly run.
> Is there a way to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so my cron initiated processes
> and its client jobs will find it?

I do not see the relationship between LD_LIBRARY_PATH and 
the Bash scripts some amanda tools may use…

Some if not all crontabs allow to set environment variables

|FOO = bar
|LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /my/lib/
|10 2 * * *  amdump DailySet1

At least the crontab(5) of the cron my Linux box allows that. (Vixie

Another way should work always
|10 2 * * * LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/lib FOO=bar amdump DailySet1

… if your crontab commandline gets parsed and executed
by a /bin/sh derivative. 

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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