On 12/19/2014 02:39 PM, Jon LaBadie wrote:
Following and researching Debra Baddorf's thread raised some questions
in my mind.  In one posting, JLM said:

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 01:16:32PM -0500, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
It autoflush is set, they should be flushed first.
All flush are done in increasing dumptime order.
1. With autoflush set, are flushing old dumps and taping new dumps
done in separate "phases", say flush and taper?
no, at the beginning, all flush are added to the tape queue, like new dump once on holding disk.
   That flushing
ignores the taperalgo setting would imply this.  Does flushing
follow date/time order while taper follows taperalgo?
date order first, then taperflush for those with the same date.
   If new
dumps are available before flushing old dumps is completed, are
the new dumps ignored til the taper phase?
nothing is ignored, they are put in the tape queue, and flushed in date order.

2. Starting a new tape during the taper phase is affected by the
two "flush-threshold-*" settings.  With autoflush set, are the
flush-threshold-* settings ignored?
   I.e. is a new tape started
regardless of the amount of old dump data on the holding disk?

3. If the above answers are "yes", i.e., flushing ignores them,
aren't the names of the two parameters, 'flush'-threshold-*,
poorly chosen?  Perhaps 'taper'- or 'newtape'- 'tapermedia'-
or ??? would be better.

4. The amanda.conf(5) description of the two parameters contain
this wording:

     The value of this parameter may not exceed than that of the
     flush-threshold-scheduled parameter.

     The value of this parameter may not be less than that of the
     flush-threshold-dumped ... parameters.

Only an equal value for both parameters meets these requirements.
Is there an error in the description?  If not, why two separate
I read it as: flush-threshold-dumped <= flush-threshold-scheduled

flush-threshold-dumped count only the dumps already on holding disk
flush-threshold-scheduled count the dumps already on holding disk + the scheduled dump

Setting flush-threshold-scheduled < flush-threshold-dumped is the same as setting it to 0 (not use)


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