I didn't knew about this new authorization mechanism.

I will add it to amanda, one of the next amanda version will have it.


On 01/15/2015 05:49 AM, Dominik Schips wrote:

I use Amanda 3.3.6 (Community Edition) with a CentOS 6.6 host (x86_64).
Never had any problems with the use of S3 on s3-eu-west-1 (Ireland).

Then I tried the new region s3-eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) but got this
error when I want to create new tapes for backups.

slot 1: While creating new S3 bucket: The authorization mechanism you
have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256.
(InvalidRequest) (HTTP 400)

 From the documentation new regions only use the new auth mechanism that
amanda might not support yet.

Is this known and would it be fixed in a new Amanda version?

Dominik Schips

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