On 17.02.2015 18:30, Debra S Baddorf wrote:
> So maybe nobody does anything clever.   I don’t either.
> But it occurs to me that I could at least do a cronjob weekly  (or whatever 
> frequency you need),  
> in case I forget to log in with at least that frequency,   to do  
>     mtx -f /dev/changer status          
> Then I would get an email,   and would see when the current tape is nearing 
> the end of


> Is my example clear ?
> All I’ve done is a status on the changer,   and made you read the results.
> But it might be helpful.

Yes, in a way ... but we have been that far already, thanks ;-)

We want a script (->cronjob) notifying when only X reusable tapes for
the next N runs of amdump are left in the library.

No human reading of emails and comparing stuff :-)

My customer already has done a draft, I get his script next week when he
is back from vacation. I wrote something similar back then but when I
look at my script I (a) wonder what it exactly does and (b) if I ever
finished it.

And we wondered if that kind of question might be answered by amanda
itself in a way (which obviously is not the case right now).

thanks, regards, Stefan

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