On 27/01/16 11:47 AM, jflack wrote:
On 01/26/2016 05:51 PM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

What is the taperalgo setting?

man amanda.conf:
               The largest dump image that will fit on the current tape.

The full dump is too large to fit on the tape, so amanda flush a smaller dump (the incrementals).

You found a bug, amanda must always flush dump in datestamp order!!


    Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
            0  20160124                   0 20550680 20550680 369
            1  20160125                   0 680 680 11
            2  19691231  D03001           69 0 0 0
That one looks like a bug. I suspect it is an old dump that was deleted
when D03001 was overwritten.
I think there might be an arguable bug of some kind, but I see
situations like this frequently in amadmin info output ... that
is, two situations that are similar:

1. A full dump that is still in the holding disk, with a later
    increment that has been taped, where the later increment has
    nonzero size and a real datestmp

2. A full dump that is still in the holding disk, with a later
    increment that has zero size (probably nothing changed in
    that DLE), and a 19691231 datestmp.

It looks to me as if the 19691231 datestmp (Unix epoch, depending
on your timezone) is always what appears if the increment has
zero size. That seems like a quirky-but-minor issue.

What holds more of my interest is this apparent pattern where
increments will go to tape even before the full dumps they
depend on, with the full dump not necessarily even going to
tape until a later amflush.

When I look at the list of available taperalgos, it looks as if
they only consider two things: dump size (largest, smallest,
any algo ending with "fit"), and time of dump completion
(first, last, any algo starting with "first").

I don't see that any algo explicitly considers the dependency
relationships between dumps (hmm, dump B *depends on* dump A,
so I should satisfy the stated algo preferences in a way
that also makes sure A is on tape if B is).

As a practical matter, dump A must have arrived at the holding
disk before dump B did, so algo "first" will probably DTRT,
and "firstfit" will probably DTRT most of the time. Algo "last"
will probably DTRT only when no other outcome is possible. :)

I guess what I'm wondering is, how straightforward is the
development of additional taperalgos? Can they be written
in Perl? Is there an API for retrieving information on the
dumps that are in the holdingdisk, and enough information to
figure out which ones *depend on* which others, so something
like a topological sort could be done?

And ... is there anybody already working on that?


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