On 17/01/17 10:11 AM, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
Am 2017-01-17 um 15:33 schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

The tapecycle is used to set the policy retention-days
Each storage can have a different policy and each policy can have a
different retention-days
OK, so I created an extra policy-block for each storage and adjusted
"retention-days". Works! "tapecycle" can be removed then?
tapecycle global setting can be removed yet, like many others global setting, some code still use them instead of the storage setting.


*) I don't get the labelling fixed.
Amanda searches for "vm??" on the NAS, although it labels the slots
there with labels like "vm-001-008". Maybe somebody can help me to get
the label-parameters fixed.
tapepool is a set of volumes you want to share between storage (or even
config), they must be for the same hardware.
Some site have 2 config and they use slot 1-10 for the first config and
slot 11-20 for the second, now it is possible for both config to use
slot 1-20, and a tape with retention expired from config 1 can be reused
by config 2.

In your case, you should use different tapepool.
Change the tapepool for one storage (in config file and tapelist)
I will try asap.


One note:

I noted that:

$ amlabel -f --storage lto4 vm vm17

wrote to the wrong/other storage "nas"

the syntax

$ amlabel -f vm -ostorage=lto4 vm17


This might have to be fixed or if not, the standard output of amlabel
should be changed. Right now it says:

$ amlabel
Usage: amlabel [--barcode <barcode>] [--meta <meta>] [--version]
  [--assign [--pool <pool>] [--storage <storage>]] [-f]
  [-o configoption]*
  <conf> [<label>] [slot <slot-number>]

Reading the output can be confusing, because you don't know which output
line is for each storage (they are mixed), try to run them separately to
see if the output make more sense.
$ amcheck vm -t -ostorage=lt04
$ amcheck vm -t -ostorage=nas
Nice, thanks.


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