* Jean-Louis Martineau <jmartin...@carbonite.com> [20170202 10:52]:
> Do amcheck reported an error?

amcheck returns fine.

> $ man ambsdtar
>             The directory where ambsdtar stores the database it uses to
>             generate incremental dumps.  The default is set when Amanda is
>             built.
> Create the /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar directory of set the property 
> STATE-DIR to another directory that exists.

As I said, the state-dir /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar *already* exists
on the client but is empty at the moment as I didn't put back the files
that amanda/bsdtar created *before* I rebuilt the VM. If I leave the
state dir empty, who should own it and what should the permissions be? 

Right now:

# ls -ld /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar 
drwxr-xr-x    2 amanda  amanda  512 Feb  2 09:29 /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar


> Jean-Louis
> On 02/02/17 10:12 AM, Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got this VM running FreeBSD-11 and amanda-client-3.3.6 installed on
> > it for testing purposes. Server is 3.4.1. Initial tests worked ok
> > (backups and restores) but I had to rebuild the VM from scratch for
> > whatever reasons. After reinstalling and configuring amanda on it as I
> > previously did, the amanda backup run on it fails with this in the
> > amreport:
> >
> >
> >    /-- /ifs lev 1 FAILED [missing size line from sendbackup]
> >    sendbackup: info BACKUP=APPLICATION
> >    sendbackup: info APPLICATION=ambsdtar
> >    sendbackup: info 
> > RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/libexec/amanda/application/ambsdtar restore 
> > [./file-to-restore]+
> >    sendbackup: info end
> >    ? ambsdtar: error opening 
> > /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar/ No such file or 
> > directory
> >    ? dumper: strange [missing size line from sendbackup]
> >    \--------
> >
> > client debug file shows:
> >
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: pid 40453 ruid 0 euid 
> > 140 version 3.3.6: start at Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: version 3.3.6
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: pid 40453 ruid 0 euid 
> > 140 version 3.3.6: rename at Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: BSDTAR-PATH 
> > /usr/bin/bsdtar
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: STATE-DIR 
> > /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: ONE-FILE-SYSTEM yes
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: SIZE ^ *Total bytes 
> > written: [0-9][0-9]*
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: IGNORE : Directory is 
> > new$
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: IGNORE : Directory has 
> > been renamed
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: IGNORE file changed as 
> > we read it$
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL ^could not open 
> > conf file
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL ^Elapsed time:
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL ^Throughput
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL : File .* 
> > shrunk by [0-9][0-9]* bytes, padding with zeros
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL : Cannot add 
> > file .*: No such file or directory$
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: NORMAL : Error exit 
> > delayed from previous errors
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: STRANGE : socket 
> > ignored$
> > Wed Feb  1 21:30:32 2017: thd-0x800718e00: ambsdtar: ambsdtar: error 
> > opening /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar/ No such file or 
> > directory
> >
> > But /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar exists on the client (although empty
> > at the moment) and has the ownership and permissions:
> >
> > # ls -la /usr/local/share/amanda/bsdtar
> > total 24
> > drwxr-xr-x    2 amanda  amanda    512 Feb  2 09:29 .
> > drwxr-xr-x    5 root    wheel     512 Feb  1 16:32 ..
> >
> > I'm kind of lost as to why this worked in the first place and now
> > fails...what should be the ownership and permissions on it?
> >
> > Looking back at the restores on the server of the successful backups of
> > /usr/local on this client I can see the bsdtar state files in there with
> > the permissions:
> >
> > /restore/sim/share/amanda/bsdtar# ls -la
> > total 24
> > drwxr-xr-x 2  140  140 4096 Feb  2 09:25 ./
> > drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  144 Jan 19 07:57 ../
> > -rw------- 1  140  140   24 Jan 20 16:33
> > -rw------- 1  140  140   24 Jan 22 16:31
> > -rw------- 1  140  140   24 Jan 24 16:32
> > -rw------- 1  140  140   24 Jan 20 16:32
> > -rw------- 1  140  140   24 Jan 24 16:31
> >
> > 140 is the amanda user UID and GID on the client:
> >
> > # id amanda
> > uid=140(amanda) gid=140(amanda) groups=140(amanda),5(operator)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > jf

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