Nathan Stratton Treadway writes:
>On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 09:40:18 -0400, wrote:
>> Greetings.
>> alfred /boot simple-gnutar-local
>> The backup process hangs.  However, as soon as I umount /boot/efi, the
>> backup runs perfectly.  If I remount /boot/efi, then the backup will
>> hang again.

>In any case, one fairly easy debugging step is to create an amgtar-based
>dumptype and try that out instead of "simple-gnutar-local". 

That resolved the problem.  Thanks for the help.

define application-tool  app_amgtar {
        plugin                      "amgtar"
        comment                     "amgtar"
define dumptype simple-amgtar-local {
       auth "local"
       program "APPLICATION"
       application "app_amgtar"

My fitbit says I've walked 2903 steps today (as of 09:44).

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