Yes.  It was less effective than I might have hoped.  :-/

[amandabackup@archivist ~]$ amlabel NMHPVPR NMHPVPR0001
Reading label...
Found label 'NMHPVPR0001' but it is not in the tapelist file.
Not writing label.
Not writing label.

        Do I need to erase the label somehow first?


-----Original Message-----
From: Debra S Baddorf [] 
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 2:13 PM
To: Ochressandro Rettinger <>
Cc: Debra S Baddorf <>;
Subject: Re: amflush

Did you do another   “amlabel”  after doing “amrmtape”?
Deb Baddorf

> On Apr 10, 2017, at 2:16 PM, Ochressandro Rettinger 
> <> wrote:
>                 I’m having problems with amflush and the tapelist.
>                 My backups didn’t work last night, so I swapped the tape and 
> ran amflush.  Amflush hung, so I tried to stop it and run it again, without 
> changing the tape.  In order to do that, I ran amrmtape on the tape, and 
> removed it from the tapelist file.  This was apparently a mistake, because 
> now I can’t get amanda to do anything with that tape.
> [amandabackup@archivist ~]$ amcheck NMHPVPR Amanda Tape Server Host 
> Check
> -----------------------------
> NOTE: Holding disk '/holding': 4085694464 KB disk space available, 
> using 2147483648 KB as requested FIPS mode initialized FIPS mode 
> initialized FIPS mode initialized FIPS mode initialized slot 1: volume 
> 'NMHPVPR0001' is not in the tapelist all slots have been loaded Taper 
> scan algorithm did not find an acceptable volume.
>     (expecting a new volume)
> ERROR: No acceptable volumes found
> Server check took 0.217 seconds
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> --------------------------------
> Client check: 4 hosts checked in 1.217 seconds.  0 problems found.
> (brought to you by Amanda 3.4)
>                 Is there a way to add this tape back into the tapelist 
> so that I can use it to finish my amflush dump?  (I don’t actually 
> care if the dump is any good or not at this point, I just want the 
> thing cleaned up so I can run regular backups tonight.)
>                 -Sandro

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