Can you post the chunker debug files?
Look for error in amdump.1 log file

Can you try to run the chunker from the command line?
  /path/to/chunker CONFIG --log-file /tmp/tmp-chunker-log


On 23/08/17 11:42 AM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
I updated from Amanda 3.3.6 to Amanda 3.4.5 by building from source. The example amanda.conf didn't look much different from what I was running, so, initially, I ran it with the same amanda.conf file. We had changed out the SSDs being used for holding space, and the new 4TB SSDs were set up with permissions 755 amanda:amanda. I changed the amanda.conf to point to them (/amanda3 and /amanda4).

The run last night failed on all DLEs, with:

amreport: ERROR '/usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf', line 74: warning: Keyword usetimestamps is deprecated.
      localhost /etc lev 0  FAILED [chunker1 died]
      localhost /usr/local lev 1  FAILED [chunker1 died]
      localhost/home/bio/evazey/./evazey1 lev 1  FAILED [chunker0 died]
      localhost/home/bio/evazey/./evazey2 lev 0  FAILED [chunker1 died]
      localhost/home/bio/evazey/./evazey3 lev 0  FAILED [chunker1 died]
      etc. ...

The holding space was completely empty.

The file /tmp/amanda/server/daily/driver.20170822233002.debug had lines in it like:

Wed Aug 23 00:18:58.716563539 2017: pid 4470: thd-0xa78000: driver: rename_tmp_holding: open of /amanda4/20170822233002/localhost._home_bio_evazey_._evazey3.0.tmp failed: No such file or directory

Is it possible that it is as simple as the deprecated usetimestamps being actually worse than just deprecated?

I'm continuing to look through things, but I wanted to get this off to the list while it was still early in my day.

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