Are there any other error messages?

There is nothing to say without more information.
Post the amdump.TIMESTAMP and log.TIMESTAMP.0 files and the dumper, chunker and taper debug files.

amanda use shared memory between dumper and chunker/taper, and one process cancelled it.


On 07/09/17 02:06 PM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
What is the meaning of these errors? Google doesn't do much of anything with it, but turns up a copy of "amanda-3.4.5/installcheck/" on Fossies.

   FAILURE DUMP SUMMARY: /var lev 0  FAILED [shm_ring cancelled] /var lev 0  FAILED [shm_ring cancelled] /usr/local/mysql lev 0 FAILED [shm_ring cancelled] /var lev 0  FAILED [shm_ring cancelled] /var lev 0  FAILED [shm_ring cancelled]

(brought to you by Amanda version 3.4.5) <= on the server

Those dumps are configured with

   define dumptype gnutar-data {
       # aimed at LTO6
        tag "daily"
        program "APPLICATION"
        application "app_amgtar"
        auth "ssh"
        ssh_keys "/usr/local/etc/amanda/.ssh/id_rsa_amdump"
        compress client fast

and the clients are running Amanda version 3.3.6.

There were other dumps on those clients that completed without errors. The failed dumps showed up in the dump summary as partial.

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