
On 11/09/17 12:45, Tom Robinson wrote:
> Hi,
> I've recently migrated our backup server from CentOS 5 to CentOS 7. I've also 
> upgraded from amanda
> 3.3.7 to 3.4.5
> The amcheck works fine and reports no issues. Yet, on backup runs on some 
> DLEs I get the error:
> dump failed: [request failed: No route to host](too)
> It also appears to be random as to which DLEs fail. Sometimes it's just one 
> or two on a client.
> Other times it's all DLEs for a client. And, for any particular client it can 
> be a different DLE on
> that client each day.
> Below is a dumper..debug log from the server. I'm not sure what to check for 
> in there. What other
> logs should I check?
> Kind regards,
> Tom
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.115899592 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> close_producer_shm_ring
> sem_close(sem_write 0x7fbc1588b000
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.115911222 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> am_sem_close 0x7fbc1588b000 0
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.115927349 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> am_sem_close 0x7fbc15889000 0
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.115938800 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> am_sem_close 0x7fbc1588a000 0
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.115949293 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> am_sem_close 0x7fbc15888000 0
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.337361676 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: getcmd: 
> SHM-DUMP 00-00217 34076
> NULL 5 bentley ffffffff9efefbffffffffff3f000000000000 Dispatch 
> /var/lib/samba/data/public/Dispatch 1
> 2017:9:6:4:6:22 GNUTAR "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 1 "" "" bsdtcp AMANDA /amand
> a_shm_control-6956-0 20 |"  <auth>bsdtcp</auth>\n  
> <compress>FAST</compress>\n 
> <record>YES</record>\n  <index>YES</index>\n  <datapath>AMANDA</datapath>\n"""
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.337507787 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: Sending 
> header to localhost:34076
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.339939372 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 10
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.339978452 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 1024:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.340075462 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> :::1024 failed: Connection refused
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.340101209 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> ::1:34076 failed: Connection refused
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342383119 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342418634 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 1024:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342489613 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connected to
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342501059 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: our side 
> is
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342509347 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> try_socksize: send buffer size
> is 131072
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342558663 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: send 
> request:
> ----
> SERVICE sendbackup
> features=ffffffff9efefbfffffffffffffff3fffbf70f;maxdumps=5;hostname=bentley;config=daily;
> <dle>
>   <program>GNUTAR</program>
>   <disk>Dispatch</disk>
>   <diskdevice>/var/lib/samba/data/public/Dispatch</diskdevice>
>   <level>1</level>
>   <auth>bsdtcp</auth>
>   <compress>FAST</compress>
>   <record>YES</record>
>   <index>YES</index>
>   <datapath>AMANDA</datapath>
> </dle>
> ----
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342572947 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> security_getdriver(name=bsdtcp)
> returns 0x7fbc153e86a0
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.342582472 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_handleinit(handle=0x25e2e70, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.343623490 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_streaminit(stream=0x283d6e0, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.346176806 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.346230063 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 571:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.346247716 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.346261235 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.348492651 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:16:32.348526207 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 585:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587177652 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: Connection timed out
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587235409 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: Connection timed out
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587267623 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> stream_client: Could not bind
> to port in range 512-1023.
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587290672 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_seterror(handle=0x25e2e70, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP) 
> error=Connection timed out)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587299769 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_close(handle=0x25e2e70, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:39.587308804 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> security_stream_close(0x283d6e0)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.592385871 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_handleinit(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.593300425 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_streaminit(stream=0x2845d10, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.596042201 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.596123530 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 571:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.596155627 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.596163545 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598648813 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598686408 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 585:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598811157 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: No route to host
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598823545 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: No route to host
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598852583 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> stream_client: Could not bind
> to port in range 512-1023.
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598866659 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_seterror(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP) error=No 
> route to host)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598873575 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_close(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:44.598880166 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> security_stream_close(0x2845d10)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.603142410 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_handleinit(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.604135032 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_streaminit(stream=0x284e340, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.606574107 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.606626709 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 571:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.606645124 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.606652941 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: Cannot assign requested address
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609070482 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> make_socket opening socket with
> family 2
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609113309 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_port: Try  port 585:
> available - Success
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609232279 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: Connect from
> failed: No route to host
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609244774 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> connect_portrange: connect to
> failed: No route to host
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609256366 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> stream_client: Could not bind
> to port in range 512-1023.
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609267524 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_seterror(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP) error=No 
> route to host)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609276028 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper:
> security_close(handle=0x25def50, driver=0x7fbc153e86a0 (BSDTCP))
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609282311 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> security_stream_close(0x284e340)
> Sun Sep 10 20:18:49.609296611 2017: pid 6088: thd-0x257f400: dumper: 
> putresult: 11 TRY-AGAIN
> 00-00217 "[request failed: No route to host]"

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