On 2017-11-08 08:03, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
On 07/11/17 02:58 PM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
 > On 2017-11-07 10:22, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
 >> Austin,
 >> It's hard to say something with only the error message.
 >> Can you post the amdump.<datestamp> and log.<datestamp>.0 for the 2
 >> backup set that fail.
 > I've attached the files (I would put them inline, but one of the sets
 > has over 100 DLE's, so the amdump file is huge, and the others are
 > still over 100k each, and I figured nobody want's to try and wad
 > through those in-line).
 > The set1 and set2 files are for the two backup sets that show the
 > header mismatch error, and the set3 files are for the one that claims
 > failures in the dump summary.

I looked at set3, the error in the 'DUMP SUMMARY' are related to the

client2 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client3 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client7 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client8 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client0 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client9 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client9 /srv lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client9 /var lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
server0 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client10 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client11 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]
client12 /boot lev 0 FLUSH [File 0 not found]

They are VAULT attemp, not FLUSH, looking only at the first entry, it
try to vault 'client2 /boot 0 20171024084159' which it expect to find on
tape Server-01. It is an older dump.

Do Server-01 is still there? Did it still contains the dump?

Hmm, looks like that's a leftover from changing our labeling format shortly after switching to this new configuration. I thought I purged all the stuff with the old label scheme, but I guess not.

It somewhat surprises me that this doesn't give any kind of error indication in the e-mail report beyond the 'FAILED' line in the dump summary.

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