So when I run amstatus <config> I see stuff like this:

>From Mon Dec  3 22:00:01 EST 2018


1    359952k dumping   533792k (148.30%) (1+11:29:10)

For reference:

backup@scriptor:~ date
Tue Dec  4 11:37:07 EST 2018

I'm assuming that the last field is the time the dumper has been running.
But that is impossible as this dump began at 2200 yesterday and amstatus
was run at 1129 today (12:29 later). So it appears that the 11:29:10 part
is nearly correct, but the 1+ part is clearly not. I've noted in amreport
<config> that the time lapsed time estimates appear grossly incorrect as
well. ie:

                          Total       Full      Incr.   Level:#
                        --------   --------   --------  --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)     0:07
Run Time (hrs:min)          1:57
Dump Time (hrs:min)        28:13      26:27       1:46

Perhaps "Dump Time" is cumulative across all dumpers? That still does not
seem to explain the amstatus discrepancy.

What am I missing?

Kind regards,

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